Saturday, April 14, 2012

Yet another move!

So today I'm packing up my DC apartment (not that there's much to pack) and preparing for my cross country road trip back to Texas.  It's a bittersweet move.  But those of you, who KNOW me, know that I am a firm believer of "Everything happens for a reason." 

I am a little unsure of the direction I truly want to go in my life at this complicated crossroad where I find myself.  What I am sure of is that I'm not in my 20's anymore.  This packing, moving, and driving cross country is wearing me out! 

Wish me Godspeed on my journey back.  And try to act surprised if you hear some time down the road that I'm hitting the highway AGAIN.  Oh, and don’t judge me, you don’t know my plight!  ( :

Yet another move!

So today I'm packing up my DC apartment (not that there's much to pack) and preparing for my cross country road trip back to Texas.  It's a bittersweet move.  But those of you, who KNOW me, know that I am a firm believer of "Everything happens for a reason." 

I am a little unsure of the direction I truly want to go in my life at this complicated crossroad where I find myself.  What I am sure of is that I'm not in my 20's anymore.  This packing, moving, and driving cross country is wearing me out! 

Wish me Godspeed on my journey back.  And try to act surprised if you hear some time down the road that I'm hitting the highway AGAIN.  Oh, and don’t judge me, you don’t know my plight!  ( :